This seminal book, written by children’s speech and language therapist Sandy Chappell is a manual on how to make sure a child’s early years are infused with the best possible development in communication – away from screens and the harmful apps that come with them. A must for every new parent. Click on the image to learn more/order the book.
To help parents mange children’s screen time and instil healthy habits from an early age, consultant paediatricians Dr Sanjiv Nichani and Dr Samantha Jones have developed ‘five-a-day’ practical tips (0-17yrs), based on research from Leicester Children’s Hospital and University Hospitals of Leicester. Click on the image to open the downloadable PDF.
Aligned with Jonathan Haidt’s campaign to end the phone-based childhood and return to the play-based childhood, The Forest School Association is dedicated to the advancement of education, using any means to enable all children, young people and adults to benefit educational experiences in the natural world. Learn more about opportunities for children and parents by clicking the image.
The aim of Delay Smartphones is to protect children from the dangers of smartphones. Founded in 2023, they are the first campaign group in the UK to develop a pledge/pact for parents to commit to waiting until their children are 14 before giving them a smartphone, as adopted by many other emerging campaign groups. Click on the image to learn more and sign the pledge.
Health Professionals for Safer Screens is a fast-growing group of health and healthcare professionals founded by Dr Becky Foljambe earlier this year. Dr Foljambe is an NHS GP and passionate campaigner for safer device use in children. Click on the image to learn more and subscribe to their newsletter.
Safe Screens is one of the campaigns run by a parent advocacy group, UsForThem – a non-profit, non-affiliated group focused on high-impact campaigning and strategic legal activity. They are instrumental in facilitating vital awareness campaigns about the dangers that screens have on children. Their work in Parliament on this issue is unparalleled. Click on the image to sign up.